In an age of internet where websites influence our lives the most in seeking knowledge and information, it has also imparted a side effect too. There are plenty of websites present on internet that have either no purpose or made to delude people. If such websites are of education learning and are fraudulent then they induce a serious damaging effect on students. Students must be well aware of the usage of the websites for the learning purpose.

Among writing spheres, the most popular form of requests come from custom writing services in which essay writing, research papers, thesis are pronounced. Students in the college and universities have to write number of assignments including essays and projects and they mostly comply on the professional writers running the business of dissertation writing online. There are professional writers who deal with all the writing stuff, particularly essay because this the area where most of the students struggle and prefer to get it write down from the writers online.
When students approach such professional writers online, there are chances that they might reach to fraudulent companies. These are companies who provide plagiarized content to the students and recover from them a huge amount of money. Later, the teachers suspect students on bringing up the plagiarized content.
There are few ways for students to protect themselves from the scam essay writings services.
1. Look for reputable companies/writers
The best way to get scam free essays is to have a prior conversation with the company and the writer himself. A good essay writing service can be found out by talking in person to the writer and explaining him the kind of essay you are expecting. A reputable company always has good writers who are available to the students upon conversation. Students may also check the reviews about the website and writers as those who have their work done by the writers in the past, share their reviews as well. A well reputed company always shows the reviews section on its website as well. Students may protect themselves from scam essay writing website if they keep in mind the repute and reviews of the website and the company as well.
2. Companies with 24/7 availability
There are numerous companies available who provide essay writing services to the college and university students round the clock. Essay writing is a time consuming task and requires a lot of information and material to use. The level of professionalism can be examined via number of writersthe particular company has.
A trustworthy essay writing service should be open to criticism
It is obvious like the truth itself that a good company listen to your criticism patiently. It is you who know the important contours of your thesis. So, you should look for a company that listens to your criticism with open heart and rectify the spots you have mentioned. Such companies or website do not deal in scam contents.
So, students should keep in mind all the above aspects before opting any service for essay writings.